A victim of a violent crime can experience tremendous emotional and mental stress. They may spiral down to depression, helplessness and isolation. At this point, they are in most need of support and company. Witnessing a loved one go through a traumatizing experience...

Firm News
What to expect at a criminal trial for rape
Survivors of rape may never fully recover from the trauma they experienced. While survivors can sue their attacker for monetary damages, the investigation process required by the criminal justice system can be extremely invasive and uncomfortable. Many complainants...
Reasons for misdiagnosis of heart ailments in women
What is so difficult to understand about the diseases and ailments of the female heart? Well, the answer is plenty because scientists and medical professionals are playing catch-up due to decades of neglecting to research the intricacies of the female heart. This...
Signs that you have a latex allergy
Medical staff assured you that all precautions would be made. The operating room would be scrubbed clean, sanitized and latex-free. In addition, the staff scheduled your surgery early in the morning, the first of the day. Why did they need to do this? Because you have...
When might an anesthesia error constitute malpractice?
Being operated on in Washington or somewhere else without the benefit of anesthesia is unthinkable today. It eases you to sleep while an operation is being performed, you are oblivious to what is going on, you feel no pain, and when you awaken, everything is finished....
Common causes of cerebral palsy
For new parents, delivery day is often one of utter joy. Bringing a life into this world is a highly emotional event, though yes, it can come with stress. There a million things to keep track of, and for those having their first child, the events of the day are...
Understanding the limits of telemedicine
We are in the middle of a pandemic that will likely be with us for another year. When Covid-19 largely shut down the country in March, most of the in-person interactions we took for granted had to move online. In many cases, that included non-emergency appointments...
Hypoxia and the threat of long-term disability in children
The birth of a child is a celebrated event for many new Seattle parents. However, even the healthiest mothers-to-be can have complicated birth processes when unexpected difficulties come up. During labor and delivery, doctors and medical staff must be prepared to...
Inadequate security measures prove harmful to the public
Getting to and leaving from your workplace should be a safe routine. So should a downtown trip with friends to a local hotspot for a night-time dinner, event or celebration. But abruptly and unexpectedly, routines can go awry when security measures are not in place or...
The process of bringing a claim against the government for abuse
Victims of physical and emotional abuse by government employees have important legal protections and rights they should be familiar with. When a negligent government agency has caused harm to an abused victim, victims should understand the legal resources and remedies...