Becoming the victim of a crime is a frightening and frustrating experience. Many people feel stressed and disempowered by criminal victimization, wondering why it happened to them. It can be downright enraging to find out that the person who attacked you, stole your car or broke into your house had done something similar before and was released from custody.
Unfortunately, that is exactly what many victims of violent crimes eventually learn. According to federal data, 63.8% of violent offenders will get re-arrested for either a new offense or a violation of the terms of their supervision. That’s a recidivism rate of almost two-thirds.
Those hurt by parolees are sometimes in the position to claim negligence on the part of the agency supervising that person.
Overseeing violent offenders requires vigilance
Those who demonstrate good behavior in prison or who meet certain terms set by the courts and state law can secure parole even after a violent offense. There are specialized workers tasked with supervising recent parolees to monitor them for signs that they may engage in criminal activity again and enforce the conditions of their release.
Unfortunately, some people tasked with this job do not take it as seriously as they should. They might not enforce rules about maintaining employment, verify the individual lives where they claim or meet with the parolee as often as they should. The results of that may be that someone in their supervision commits a crime that injures you, causes use serious psychological trauma or damages your property. Learning more about recidivism and agency negligence issues can help you fight back if a career criminal has victimized you.