Medical malpractice in obstetrics may lead to stillbirths or harm coming to children or their mothers during labor or birth.
Umbilical cords, surprisingly, can help medical providers know more about children’s health while still in the womb. Not identifying problematic issues, such as knots in the umbilical cord, could be fatal for a child who could otherwise have been helped with medical intervention.
What kind of umbilical cord abnormalities can be used?
Umbilical cord abnormalities vary. There are around seven categories of them including cysts, entanglements and knots. These lead to between 10% and 25% of all stillbirths. Now, many medical providers are advocating for umbilical cord screenings, which are performed using 3D-HD Flow technology. This screening allows OB-GYN’s to see knots and other issues with the umbilical cord, so they can make a plan to help the child and mother.
While diagnoses are difficult for many of these issues, ignored opportunities or diagnoses without treatment guidelines, could still put babies at risk. With a new protocol, like one suggested by a retired OB-GYN and independent medical researcher, it could be possible to help. His protocol suggests hospitalizing a parent if screenings come up with umbilical cord issues for at least 24 hours of continuous monitoring. Any abnormalities would then prompt a potential early delivery based on the baby’s age.
You have a right to hold providers accountable for negligence
Identifying umbilical cord problems could help save many lives. The technology exists, and providers should be prepared to monitor babies in distress. If your provider doesn’t order the right tests or monitor your child, then you may be able to hold them accountable for medical malpractice if your child is injured or dies as a result.